Startups: the Good and Bad parts

Ishwar Rimal
2 min readSep 10, 2023


Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Startup, from good to bad.

For me, startup is a synonym for hope.

As a fresher when I had no chance of getting into a big company, I knew that I could get into a startup and build my career up.

Well found (then Angel dot co) helped me a lot in getting a job.

Have you used one of the apps called SUPER where you can swipe left or right also helped me get a few interviews. It was pretty cool. A Tinder for job search.

From the hope of getting a job.

To Hope of getting to learn,

The hope of building a product

And ultimately a hope of succeeding along with the company.

For this, many of us put 200%, not just in our role but also in various other roles because it’s the growth of the company that matters at that moment.

We work on weekends, we work late at night, we work on vacation, we work while travelling, and on and on.

I know I didn’t end up getting things I expected even after giving everything I could, but the experience itself was more rewarding than those monetary values.

Though I am an advocate of Work-Life Balance, I sometimes think when our emotion is attached to some product or a company, we just don’t care about work-life balance. At times I think it’s fair.

But I’ve seen many people and products (which are not even in a situation to be called a startup) taking advantage of this emotion and exploiting people.

Freshers are made to work for free or a peanut amount of money, they’re given no stocks, and they’re made(FORCED) to work day and night in building a product that even the founders are not even confident about.

The term startup is misused and more people are starting to hate startups.

If you feel you’re into a toxic startup, find another one, because you’ll never feel exploited when your emotion is attached.



Ishwar Rimal

Senior FrontEnd Engineer at Intuit. 8 years experience. I write articles on JavaScript, React, Web Optimisation, Startups, Work Life Balance, etc. ❤️ JavaScrip